There are quite a number of award schemes to encourage progress in archery. Some are administered at club level, some at county level, and some nationally. There are different awards for different bow styles, and for different disciplines. Some can only be earned through competitions while others can be earned from shooting at club sessions.
252 scheme
This is the first progress award scheme you will be introduced to on joining the club. It is named 252 since those shooting recurve freestyle need to score a minimum of 252 for each distance. Other bowstyles have different score requirements, eg. Barebow need to score 189 and longbows 164 for most distances.
To earn a badge you score your first 3 dozen after sighters. This can be part of a longer round, such as a National or a Western, just make sure the Records Officer knows you want to claim a 252 score. You need 2 qualifying scores shot in different sessions to earn the award for that distance.
Juniors can start from 10yds and seniors from 20yds, however the award scheme can only progress upwards, so if you earn your 30yd badge you can’t then go back to work for your 20yd badge.
Further information on the 252 scheme at Riverside can be found here.
Submitting your scores to the Records Officer will count towards classifications. The scores required for each level are set by ArcheryGB and must be shot in the same season. There are 3 tiers of classifications –
Archer tier, with 3rd Class, 2nd Class and 1st Class. Rounds totalling at least 12 dozen arrows.
Bowman tier, again with 3rd Class, 2nd Class and 1st Class. Rounds totalling at least 18 dozen arrows.
These first two tiers can be gained at club, under certain requirements, and are administered by the Records Officer.
This final tier can only be gained from scores shot at Record Status competitions and is administered by ArcheryGB.
Master Bowman tier, with Master Bowman (MB), Grand Master Bowman (GMB) and, for outdoors only, Elite Master Bowman (EMB). Rounds totalling at least 36 dozen arrows.
Classifications are valid for a year, and are not carried over into the next year.
Further information on the required scores can be found here.
Longbow Blaze Awards
For Longbow archers there is a progress scheme called the Blaze Awards that can be earned by shooting qualifying scores at indoor rounds. The badges are earned when 3 qualifying scores are submitted. The colours up to a Red Blaze can be shot at club, but to earn Gold or Purple the scores must be shot at competition.
Full information on the Blaze Awards can be found here.
There are a myriad of awards available to those shooting in competition, too many to explain individually, so links are provided to take you to the relevant information.
Lambton Worm Awards – administered by DNAA County.
ArcheryGB Awards – including awards for target & clout
Tassel Awards – clout awards administered by Norther Counties (NCAS)
Raptor Awards – flight awards administered by the British Flight Archery Association, through NCAS