Riverside Archery Club is a friendly and inclusive club where everyone is welcome. There are a number of membership routes which are accepted at Riverside.
Club Membership
This is the main type of membership held at Riverside. It is the easiest, and cheapest way to manage your affiliation fees. This is the membership option we recommend to our novices joining the club for the first time. You pay an annual fee to the club which also covers your affiliations to County, Region and Archery GB. Your membership account shows Riverside Archery Club as your registered club.
Direct Membership
This option means you pay your membership fee direct to Archery GB. You then need to pay your County and Region affiliation fees separately before you would be eligible to join Riverside Archery Club as an associate member. This option usually suits those who do not want to name a club as their registered club.
Associate Member
Becoming an Associate Member is open to those who are either Direct Members or have membership of another club already affiliated to ArcheryGB, County & Region. Often referred to as ‘Second Claim Club’ it suits those who would like to make use of the facilities on days when their first club is not shooting. It requires you to pay a monthly membership fee to Riverside.
All membership requests will be considered by the committee. Riverside Archery Club does have an upper limit on membership, based on what can be accommodated in our indoor venue. We want all members to have an equal opportunity to shoot and not be in a situation where target spaces are constantly oversubscribed. A request to join will only be turned down with good reason. If you are interested in becoming a member of Riverside please contact us to discuss it.